Arrived in NYC this afternoon. I'm here for an Investor Relations conference and it is awesome to be back! I lived in Brooklyn my first year out of college (um 7 years ago now?) and quickly learned that big city life was not for me. That being said, NYC is one of the most fun places to visit and I always look forward to a solid Big Apple work trip.
My morning started extra early (I woke up at 5:15am) to catch a 6:05 Marin Airporter. Anytime I fly these days, I like to wear my compression socks. Sitting in a confined area for long periods of time is REALLY bad for you. Wearing the compression socks is supposed to help with your blood circulation and prevent blood clots, deep vein thrombosis, etc. As someone with naturally weak leg veins, I don't fly without these socks. But it is hard to form cute outfits with them on. Luckily I have a pair of loose skinny jeans and the socks fit perfectly underneath them. I wore my running shoes, which is kind of dorky, less thing to pack.
My flight was super easy (though I had a window seat and I really only like aisle seats now so that I can pee whenever I want). But at least at the window, I was treated to views like this:
Pretty sure that's Lake Tahoe |
I arrived at my hotel in NYC (Andaz) at 6:00pm sharp. It's actually a pretty nice hotel! I say "actually" because I have never heard of this place, but it's the conference hotel. Anyway, I unpacked a few dresses and then immediately put on my running clothes and headed out for a run. Destination = Central Park.
Running outfit = present from Travy's mama for my b-day (Title Nine) |
The run to Central Park sucked...stop and go, dodging people, crazy smells. But once in the park, it was so wonderful and green and happening. I forgot how big the park is. And beautiful. Once I got myself on the main road through the park, I totally remembered the route. And it just so happened that the JP Morgan Chase Corporate Challenge was taking place, so I watched the lead runners come through.
Not the lead runners, but huge kudos to ALL participants |
I did the whole Central Park road loop, but by the end, I really needed a bathroom. I walked the last 1/2 mile or so, which was OK because it's hard to run on 5th Ave. Safely back in the hotel, I then had a hankering for a little treat that I passed while entering and exiting.
I couldn't resist the ice cream truck! |
And now I sign off in an attempt to go to bed "early." I'm planning to wake up at 6am for a 3-4 mile jog before my conference. I've gotta do it at 6 so that I have time to shower and blow dry my hair. IR professionals always look their best, so I've gotta bring it tomorrow :)