I've been experiencing some pain in my right heel and ankle tendons for quite some time now. But things got markedly worse after running in that damn relay race 2 weekends ago, whereby I would run relatively hard (on the unforgiving road) and then sit in the van for several hours and tighten up. Not ideal.
I've been running through this heel/ankle stuff for a few months now actually, which perhaps is problem #1; not nipping it in the bud and taking time off. But how could I take time off when prepping for a race?
This past week was kind of a turning point for me mentally. I had a tough week with running. Not only did I feel tired/sluggish on every single run, but I could feel my heel through every step of each run. This is a change from previous runs where it would hurt in the beginning and then the pain would subside as I settled into the run.
The latest in runnerbugz fashion - the Strassburg sock for plantar fasciitis relief |
So I've enjoyed somewhat of a mental tussle with myself over what to do, but ultimately the reasonable side of me has won out and I'm taking a few days off (for starters) in addition to going to see an ortho that specializes in the foot/ankle. As much as I love to run, it's just not quite as enjoyable with an injury.
I've surprised myself a bit with how I've handled this situation. And not the good kind of surprise. My emotions are ranging from sheer panic about losing fitness to straight-up FOMO to mild depression. How have I become this obsessed/addicted to something whereby the thought of not doing it for a bit is absolutely terrifyingly???
Anyway, I'm not happy nor proud of this reaction, so I truly believe this rest is much needed, both physically and mentally. This week I'm choosing to focus my energies on a few things in lieu of running: 1) getting lots of rest and sleep -- when sleeping your body releases a growth hormone which stimulates muscle growth and repair, 2) stretching/strength exercises -- my goal is to attend a yoga class this week, and 3) biking for fun -- to enjoy the beautiful weather and get a little cardio.
Dealing with injury is tough. But I'm feeling extra grateful for my years of running injury-free and I'm looking ahead to an exciting summer of training once I get this minor setback under control.