The latest mantra in my head is short and sweet and quite unoriginal, but very easy to remember.
Don't. Be. Lazy.
I've been repeating this to myself over and over again this past week. It's silly, really. But it stuck in my head after spending at least an hour pouring through Mr. Money Mustache's blog the other day. (Shoutout to CB-F for introducing this to me!)
Mr. Money Mustache ("MMM") notes how addicted we have become to modern convenience. Real-life examples for me: hopping in my car to drive less than 0.5 miles to pick up coffee in the morning, or driving to Whole Foods (1-mile away) every single night to purchase pre-made dinner foods. MMM urges us to focus on happiness itself over convenience and luxury. To learn to mock convenience. To stop being lazy.
Over the last week, I've started making tweaks to my daily life per MMM's suggestions, all while repeating my new mantra. Don't be lazy, girlfraand! (Yes, that's actually how I talk to myself in my head sometimes).
Last night I incorporated a stop at Safeway into my evening run to pick up rice and avocados. Last week I biked to the grocery store and purchased $75 worth of groceries, less $13 thanks to my coupons. Granted, I had to walk my bike home because the backpack was too heavy for me. I have not driven our car in over a week and we have eaten homemade meals the last 8 nights in a row. All of the above is a huge accomplishment considering the fact that we ate out every single night the week before last.
Learning to ride my bike again |